A moment with a tree.


These days have been filled with blessed and cursed droplets of rain.  Rain has graced its presence in California after a deeper drought paved its way.  The spirit of water is ever so healing, it cleanses, nurtures and quenches all of life that surrounds it.  It brings emotions to the surface, some that have awaited an opening to be expressed, some that just dangle on the surface.  A rainy days brings our conscious awareness to a silent stillness as we are forced to stop and just be.  A moment to connect the quiet inside.

Today I witnessed the beauty and blessings of the gifts and trauma of the rainfall that lasted for days in my hometown.  On my walk through the park I was shocked to find two trees like this one pictured above.  I stopped along the path and gently held the pine needles of the tree as if to be holding its hand.  I wept, I began to thank the tree for its life, for giving us breath, shade, a place to rest and be here.  The smell of the pine  became more prominent. I stood holding the tree and the tree holding me.  I thought of all the years the tree has served this planet and this park.  All the memories it has witnessed.  How much it had grown through the years in the park.  I felt sad inside, I cried some more and as I began to turn to leave I heard, “sometimes we need to be up rooted to bring about great awareness.”  I smiled I understood and felt so much gratitude for the tree and life especially my life on this amazing planet.  What we witness on earth in our life has many messages this tree fell to teach all that are willing to listen and wake up.

8 thoughts on “A moment with a tree.

  1. Kim… I loved what you wrote in response to what you heard. Yes…we are constantly given messages and lessons. If only we would just “listen” more…we may begin to understand “why”. xo Love you…What a beautiful message. Kathy Z

  2. Kayli,I really enjoyed this email.  I envy you, as you can see and feel things I do not recognize very well.  Then you can express your thoughts in beautiful comments.  Thank You. Regards, Ronald Bailey

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